
Everything runs much more smoothly when information flows seamlessly between systems.

Calendar Integrations 

Microsoft exchange, Google Calendar, Spacent

User Management / Import 

Microsoft Azure, LDAP, CSV

AV and Info Displays 

Audico, 4Business, Ricoh, IDID, Smart Sign, QEM


Antell, Juvenes, Sodexo, ISS ja Compass Group


Aimo, Moovy

Access Control 

Digiovi, Salto, iLOQ, Rollock, Abloy OS Assa Abloy ARX

Electric Locks 

Digiovi, Abloy ja iLOQ



Visitor Management 


Billing and Payments 

Billing Integrations: Jeeves, TCPOS, Sonet, Salesforce, SAP, SAP GL, Passeli, Helpostilasku, Visma Nova
Online Payments: Visma pay
Full Outsourcing of Billing Process: KTI Laskutus, Azets

IoT Sensors 

Haltian, Sigfox

Indoor Air Quality 


Indoor Positioning 

Haltian Empathic Building, Steerpath, Iiwari

Taitori’s services:

Taitori For Office

Hybrid work and space management solutions for workplaces and offices.

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Taitori For Arena

A five-star visitor experience for game fans, VIP guests, and concertgoers..

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Taitori For Business Park

Space booking, visitor management, info and door displays…

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Taitori For Healthcare

In solutions for the social and healthcare sectors, data security considerations are particularly crucial.

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Contact us and ask more!

We will answer you as soon as possible!

Perttu Ahvenainen

Sales- ja marketing director
+358 40 504 5871
book an appointment from Perttu’s calendar